Oil-free chicken curry

This Oil-Free Chicken Curry, enriched with yogurt, cashew nuts and a selection of spices is very easy to make. It tastes delicious and you won’t miss the oil at all. It is the perfect accompaniment with some Indian flatbread or rice. We had ours with some roti. Although […]

Pear bhaji

Slightly sweet and slightly hot, and with a little bite to them, this pear bhaji is ready in minutes and is a great way of using this beautiful fruit in a savoury dish. This recipe is vegetarian / vegan friendly too! The pears have come and the pears […]

Thekera tenga boror jool

Come summer, and what we Assamese look forward to in a meal is the tengar jool (tenga-sour; jool-light, soup like curry). This is usually made with a variety of ingredients like lemon, tomatoes, bottle gourd etc, but the best has to be the one with thekera tenga. This […]

Xoru maas diya adar jool l Small fish in ginger gravy

This xoru maas diya adar jool l small fish in ginger gravy is an Assamese favourite. It’s a light soupy gravy with small varieties of fish added to it. Coming from a place on the banks of one of the world’s largest rivers (the mighty Brahmaputra) flowing through […]

Aam doi I Baked mango yogurt

This aam doi l baked mango yogurt recipe is very easy to whip up and requires very little hands on time. Just mix together a few ingredients and pop it into the oven. After that, chill in the fridge and then enjoy the creamy delicacy. Just when I […]

Baked chicken curry

This baked chicken curry is probably one of the easiest and delicious curries one can make. It received a lot of oohs and aahs from the family. The food critic of a daughter declared it one of the best I ever made. It looked luxurious and indulgent too […]

Coconut and jaggery malpua

It’s Holi, the Indian festival of colour, today, and being a lover of festivals, had to make something to mark the occasion. So quickly rustled up these delicious coconut and jaggery malpua. The coconut gave a lovely bite to it. Soaked in a jaggery and saffron syrup and […]

Aloo pitika l Assamese style mashed potatoes

Aloo pitika l Assamese style mashed potatoes is pure comfort food. Mix it with some boiled rice and dal and you are good to go! Pitika- The Assamese ( from Assam, a state in North East India) are very good with their pitikas (mash) and they are made […]

Vegetable mung dal l One pot recipe

This Vegetable mung dal l One pot recipe is very popular in our household. It is easy to make, is healthy and can be easily adapted; so what’s not to like?! Dal is a dish that is consumed in plenty all over the Indian sun continent. From simple […]

Bengena pura pitika l Roasted and smoked aubergine mash

We love aubergines and this Bengena pura pitika l Roasted and smoked aubergine mash is one of our favourite ways of enjoying this vegetable. Smoking the soft aubergine flesh gives it the most delightful flavour. Pura l Pitika- ‘Pura’ (smoked) and ‘Pitika’ (mash) are two very popular food […]